in the world have their own life. For speak and listen to others, they have to
studied about something. Beside that, everyone need something that can make
them clever, have long relation with other person, for their future job, and
surely it’s needed for prevent them from deception. With knowledge and routine
activity, it’s sure that everyone need knowledge. That’s all can be realize by
something, something that can makeour futue realize, something that can help
our live, and something that can change the darkness world into the brightness
world, it’s EDUCATION.
is one off all things that it’s important for us in our life. Not, not only
important… Education is very important. Almost everyday we listen many sounds,
speaking with others, writing our pen or pencil on the sheet, even playing a
game. And, do you realize that what are you doing are from your experience? Yes, we use our experience that we got from
education before. Experience is one off all types of education that realy realy
affect for our life. For example, when we get an exam and we got false in tenses topic, I’m sure that you feel
sad. But, there is one positive affect for you, you will always remember what
is the forms of that tenses. That’s
the proof of education for better life.
it, study at school, home, and averywhere are more types of education. Can you
imagine what will happen if unill now education just about experience? Can
everyone get same position in the world if there are never get an education?
Nope. I think it’s very hard to imagine that the poor man can be president if
he is never get education from young. It’s to hard for everyone do something
without no knowledge that fill their memorize. When we young, we had started
our studied at indergarten. We had started for find new knowledge, social
communities, long relatives, even our behavior. After that, we continue to
elementary school. Our social environment grow higher and higher and we got the
new knowledge again. The next grade is Junior High School, Senior High School,
University, and the last is Job. You can realize that everykind of education
are always give a big impact. Now,
imagine this sentences :
“Imagine if you are in the text room now,
you are in the English test. But, because you are never got indergarten
education, you are have no memory about what is the meaning of “name” in Indonesian. Suddenly everyone
in the room laugh at you an say that you are very stupid. Can you imagine
I think it’s
very embrassed for you if you are didn’t know what’s the meaing of name in
Indonesian. It’s proof that education make everyone look clever. When everyone
in the world look clever, there are no one again stupid people. When we reach
that, it already proof that education is make better future.
other side, education is give big positive impact. Altough it give big positive
impact, but there are a little negarive impact. For example, when the internet
is more modern, the criminal will use that for their bad job that can make
someone or maybe everyone feel lose out. It already happened in our period. But
there are many positive impact that can make our future better. From education
we will get new experience, we will prevent every deception form the criminal,
we wont ever poor, we will enjoy the life, we will be the important person, and
many possitive impact again that can realize our hope, it’s THE